I don't like the many conversations, for every side-quest you have to talk to someone, and at first that's fun a bit, but later on it really gets on my nerves. Downsides are it's timed, I love free roaming and taking my time in places and I can't now unless I wanna use New Game + to no end, but then I gotta replay certain sections. Personally I liked the first XIII the least of all 3 games, and it's actually rather nice they abadoned the auto attack thing from 1 and 2.

It must be cuz I'm getting older, I don't get sucked into games (storywise) as much as I used to, same with this game. I remember way back when people were **** about FF8 and 9 cuz it wasn't FF7, then people complained FFX was just plain bad and they hated it and it was stupid, and now everyone's like FFX was epic and blabla. I remember way back when people were **** about FF8 and 9 cuz it it's so weird people are **** about 13 now and pretend it's a new thing. It's so weird people are **** about 13 now and pretend it's a new thing.